Monday, May 29, 2006

"I want peace, because I want to make friends from the other communities" says Varatharaj Vinothraj (11) from Yatiyanthota

People's Voice for Peace

An expression of voice for peace and against war was held at the Lipton Circus in Colombo 07, Sri Lanka on May 29th 2006. People from various parts of the island participated in two hour expression of voice for peace and against war, despite rainy weather. This was organized by the National Peace Council.

The objective of the expression of voice for peace and against war, was to put pressure on the Government of Sri Lanka, and the Liberation tigers of Tamil Eelam. The following demands were put forward by the people, who are opposed to war and violence.

1.stop forthwith the killing of innocent people

2.Comply with the Ceasefire Agreement

3.Commence peace talks immediately

The people from Galle disrtict participating in an expression of voice for peace and against war

Leo Niroshan Darshan Sathasivam, photojournalist of Thinakkural newspaper recording images of the expression of voice for peace and against war

Rev.Sister Placida Leenakaduwa of Fransikan Church in Mattakuliya is holding a placard saying "No War"

People from Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim communities participated

People's Voice for Peace

"The children will be killed,if the war starts again" says Santhuni Wadumethirige (11) from Galle

Young Buddhist monks participants

Leaflets are being handed over to the participants

Muslim participants from Puttalam

Children from Elpitiya, South of Sri Lanka